التصنيفات :
نبذة : AINiT

هاتف AINiT


عنوان AINiT

771 king fahad road, Olya, P.O. box 66474 Riyadh 11576, Saudi Arabia

صفحات الاجتماعية

معلومات عن AINiT

Our Services: AINiT has become one of the most credible brands in the consultancy business and has successfully achieved its vision by becoming one of the most credible names. Over the period through its offices in Australia, UAE, KSA and Pakistan, highly trained professionals of the company have been providing quality consultancy services across the globe in the following fields: 1. Immigration- Australia, Canada and New Zealand 2. Study Abroad- Australia, Canada, Germany & China 3. Job Placement- Australia and Canada Our major strength lies in the values, integrity, ethics and competence of our team members. These teams of professional education consultants and licensed immigration advisors and Australian Registered Migration Agent understand the importance of each case and are dedicatedly providing our clients with transparent, professional and customized advice according to the policies and guidelines set by the relevant assessing authorities in the countries we deal with. We aim to recruit eligible students, skilled immigrants, successful businessmen and job placement for skilled workers for the respective countries by providing high quality educational and immigration consultancy services. Throughout the years AINiT has a strong track record of visa approvals for students and immigrants. We have assisted thousands of people to reach their dream destinations.
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