Logic Technology

التصنيفات :
نبذة : Logic Technology

هاتف Logic Technology


عنوان Logic Technology

King Abdullah Rd. Abruq Ar-Rughamah Al Hayat Al Hayat Business Center King Abdullah Rd. Abruq Ar-Rughamah

صفحات الاجتماعية

معلومات عن Logic Technology

Strategy, MS Dynamics Consulting , Infrastructure Logic Technology IT, created in 2009, is a Jeddah, Saudi Arabia based consultancy that prepares our clients − small, medium and large scale enterprises − to be prepared to respond to the needs of our customers through business process transformation. From early planning to implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) , customer relationship management (CRM) and file sharing tools, we are a Strategic Management Advisory that helps our clients through the entire transformation Lifecycle. We further assist our clients with IT project management, customer service and help desk needs. As a 21st consultancy, our business practices and philosophies meet our customer mandates. We don’t lag in the past. We know what it takes to make your projects successful. We: Diagnose. Solve. Educate. Lead. Are Accountable for Results Create Value Added Repeatable Business Processes Bring Deep Expertise Including Collaboration and Crowdsourcing Help Drive Innovation and Change Through Technology Solutions Offer Value Based Pricing Have a Strong Customer/Consultant Team
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