Find Trucks and Loads, Hire and Rent Trucks - Trukkin

التصنيفات :
نبذة : Find Trucks and Loads, Hire and Rent Trucks - Trukkin

هاتف Find Trucks and Loads, Hire and Rent Trucks - Trukkin

966-5-116 9040

عنوان Find Trucks and Loads, Hire and Rent Trucks - Trukkin

Medad Building, Office 215, East Ring Road, Exit 14-15

صفحات الاجتماعية

معلومات عن Find Trucks and Loads, Hire and Rent Trucks - Trukkin

Trukkin is a B2B techno-logistic platform that connects Shippers and Transporters in the Middle East region. Trukkin has created a transparent channel and made it convenient for the Shippers to find and hire the Transporters and request for the transport services. Search trucks and loads, Hire or get budget truck rental throughout GCC Countries.
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