Zohoor Alreef - Online Perfume Stores in Saudi Arbia

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نبذة : Zohoor Alreef - Online Perfume Stores in Saudi Arbia

هاتف Zohoor Alreef - Online Perfume Stores in Saudi Arbia

966-966-92000 2277

عنوان Zohoor Alreef - Online Perfume Stores in Saudi Arbia

P.O Box 614 Al Khobar 31952, Saudi Arabia

صفحات الاجتماعية

معلومات عن Zohoor Alreef - Online Perfume Stores in Saudi Arbia

The story of Zohoor Alreef started in 1991, when two young brothers, Waleed and Faisal AlKhaldi, started creating perfumes using natural ingredients from within their home in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia. Their customers started out as mainly family members and close neighbors, but as word spread quickly, the AlKhaldi’s fragrances were soon the talk of the town. The brothers received requests from an ever-expanding area and within a year opened their first store a short distance from their home.
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