Saadi Co. (SERCO)

التصنيفات :
نبذة : Saadi Co. (SERCO)

هاتف Saadi Co. (SERCO)


عنوان Saadi Co. (SERCO)

Saudi Investment Center King Faisal Street , Office No 9, Floor No 2

صفحات الاجتماعية

معلومات عن Saadi Co. (SERCO)

SAADI Co. (SERCO) is a well reputed logistics service provider that specialized in Customs Clearance, Transportation, Warehousing, Equipment's rental and Waste disposal services. SAADI Co. was established on year 2006 as a transportation company. But today, we are one of the well known organizations in Saudi Arabia with upgraded technology, well built professional team in customs clearance and efficient logistics platform. The key element of our vision is to keep focusing in customer’s satisfaction and working towards bringing profit orientated results to our customers. Our Priority is to provide a quality service to our customers by benefiting them in saving their money, time and utilization of other resources.
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