India Cardiac Surgery Consultants

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نبذة : India Cardiac Surgery Consultants

هاتف India Cardiac Surgery Consultants


عنوان India Cardiac Surgery Consultants

Swami Dayanand Marg,Block A, Krishna Nagar
مكة المكرمة

صفحات الاجتماعية

معلومات عن India Cardiac Surgery Consultants

India Cardiac Surgery Consultants is well-renowned medical tourism firm in India rendering paramount services to international patients over a decade. The medical team has the proficiency in providing its services and catering to the needs of international patients travelling from USA, UK, Canada, Nigeria and other parts of the world in search of excellent cardiac surgical services. Indian hospitals and cardiac surgical centers is backed by qualified cardiac surgeons, medical team and nursing staff who have the expertise to handle intricate cases with simplicity. The team at India Cardiac Surgery Site provides complete assistance for cardiac surgeries viz. Heart Transplant, Congenital Heart Diseases, CABG, Heart Valve Replacement Surgery and a-like surgeries at half-the-price in India.
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