Park Inn by Radisson Makkah Aziziyah

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نبذة : Park Inn by Radisson Makkah Aziziyah

هاتف Park Inn by Radisson Makkah Aziziyah

966-9-1255 99100

عنوان Park Inn by Radisson Makkah Aziziyah

2516 Al Masjid Al Haram Road, Makkah,24247,Saudi Arabia
مكة المكرمة

صفحات الاجتماعية

معلومات عن Park Inn by Radisson Makkah Aziziyah

A modern representation of Islamic architecture, the hotel features contemporary amenities that match a convenient location near the city’s holy attractions. Enjoy fantastic cuisine in our inviting lobby café or the AL Sharq Restaurant, which serves fresh ingredients prepared with finesse. Recharge and refresh in our spa and fitness area, divided into spaces for men and women, and offering hydrotherapy treatments, a steam room, sauna, hairdressers and a nail spa. Hold better meetings with our modern business facilities, just over 80 minutes from King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah.
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