Pullman ZamZam Makkah Hotel

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نبذة : Pullman ZamZam Makkah Hotel

هاتف Pullman ZamZam Makkah Hotel


عنوان Pullman ZamZam Makkah Hotel

Abraj Al Bait Complex King Abdel Aziz Endowment 21955 MAKKAH SAUDI ARABIA
مكة المكرمة

صفحات الاجتماعية

معلومات عن Pullman ZamZam Makkah Hotel

The Pullman ZamZam Makkah Hotel is an exclusive 5-star all-suite hotel in Makkah. It is a good place for pilgrims who enjoy the splendid view of the Holy Kaaba and Masjid Haram mosque. 1,315 spacious suites, in-room dining 24 hours a day, parking and more facilities and services are available for the customers.
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